Category Archives: Blog

Free Call-in Hour Tomorrow

Here is the link to the Underground Coaching Program (I have 2 slots open): Here is the link to the $99 coaching program where I’ll guarantee I’ll increase your profits by $1000 in the next 30 days or your money back:

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The REAL Key to Success

Success is a funny thing. It’s something you really can’t define.  Everyone seems to have their own definition. I, myself, find that I have a much different definition of success than most people.  It’s more broad for me.  It doesn’t consist of having a wife and 2 kids (1 boy, 1 girl) in a house…

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Wolves vs. Sheep

I was reading through the newspaper a few days ago and ran across this article by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano and I thought I would share it with you: “There are two types of people who stand out in the United States today: sheep and wolves.  Sheep stay in their herd and follow their shepherd…

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My Economic Plan… Are You Listening Mr. Obama?

The government can create a joke of a bailout plan and get people to go along with it (or at least force people to go along with it)… so I thought I’d give it a shot: 1. Demand that the government stop spending YOUR money. This depression (notice I didn’t say recession… yes we are…

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The Walls Are Falling Down, The Walls Are Falling Down

I just typed the word “recession” into Google. Guess what I got back? 47,800,000 search results. Not bad for something that the media was trying to hide just a few months ago during the recent Presidential election huh? I’m not here to tell you that we’re not in a recession. We ARE indeed in a…

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